
Muirhall Windfarm Tenax Geogrids

Muirhall Windfarm – 1.5km Access Track

Find out how Geosynthetics Limited products helped construct the 1.5km track leading to Muirhall Windfarm and create hardstanding for the installation of three additional turbines. The proposed turbines have a height of 147m making them amongst the tallest onshore turbines in the UK.

Benefits of using Tenax HM3L:

  • HM3L is produced in a 5.3m wide roll which eliminated the need to cut and overlap geogrids to achieve a 4.5m running width
  • HM3L is an extruded Polypropylene geogrid with excellent resistance to installation damage
  • HM3L has a large aperture ideal for integrating with 6F2/6F5 soils

Download Muirhall Windfarm here