
Accredited with Investors In People

We are delighted to announce that we have achieved the revised standard of Investors in People at the Developed Level.

The Company has been committed to achieving this accreditation for many years, our first award being in 2008.  The Investors in People framework has recently been revised to make it a more comprehensive set of criteria.  We have found the new criteria to be stronger and more beneficial to the Company and its aspirations.

We always work hard to provide a positive environment in which the team can flourish and as a result enjoy being part of a successful company.

Our team have been a major part in achieving the standard and have provided us with some excellent feedback, including: –

“I feel supported all the time to deliver.”

“I’ve seen the way people step in to help when others are on holiday. I’ve not been in a company so helpful.”

“The leaders are passionate and focussed” and “We work together to find a solution.”

Tracey Thompson our Investors in People Assessor said: “Geosynthetics has always been keen to continuously improve its people practices and has fully taken account of any recommendations made in Investors in People reports. The IIP standard changed in 2015 and become more difficult to achieve.  The requirements have been updated, are now more stretching, and provide a direction for more modern approaches to people management and development. Geosynthetics staff took these updated requirements in their stride from the outset and welcomed the new ideas presented by the revised assessment process.  The results of their first assessment are highly commendable.  Without doubt, this is a company that demonstrates a care and respect for all those who have contact with them, whether they are suppliers, staff, customers or external advisers – everyone is valued for their opinion and contribution. This, combined with a passion for high standards, results in a unique blend. This company deserves to go far and I wish them continuing success.”